Reorganize for resilience : putting customers at the center of your business / Ranjay Gulati


Gulati, Ranjay. Auteur

Edité par Harvard Business Press. Boston, Mass. - 2009

Introduction : resilience in turbulent markets : from inside-out to outside-in. Building a resilient organization : the process and the tools for systemic integration. Lever 1 : coordination : aligning activities and information around the customer axis. Lever 2 : cooperation : ensuring attitudes and behaviors are customer focused. Lever 3 : clout : empowering customer champions. Lever 4 : capabilities : developing the skills to cope with changing customer needs. Lever 5 : connections : forging external links to stay focused and agile. Conclusion : road to greater customer centricity : mapping the journey to greater resilience.

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Livre - 2009 - Reorganize for resilience : putting customers at the center of your business / Ranjay Gulati

Disponible à EDHEC Business School - Lille

EDHEC Libre-accès | 658.812 GUL | En rayon


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