Solution of Large Stochastic Finite Element Problems—Application to ECT-NDT. Solution of Large Stochastic Finite Element Problems – Application to ECT-NDT

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Beddek, Karim | Clenet, Stéphane | Moreau, Olivier | Le Menach, Yvonnick

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

This paper describes an efficient bloc iterative solver for the Spectral Stochastic Finite Element Method (SSFEM). The SSFEM was widely used to quantify the effect of input data uncertainties on the outputs of finite element models. The bloc iterative solver allows reducing computational cost of the SSFEM. The method is applied on an industrial Non Destructive Testing (NDT) problem. The numerical performances of the method are compared with those of the Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection (NISP).

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