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Islam and business : cross-cultural and cross-national perspectives / Kip Becker, editor
Edité par International Business Press. Binghamton, NY - 2004
Exploring the differences of managers' mental model strategic alliances in the aviation industry : an analysis of Turkish airlines experience / M. Baris Akçay. Value-at-Risk (VaR) computations under various VaR models and stress testing the effect of financial liberalization on the efficiency of financial institutions : the case of Jordanian commercial banks / Fatih Semercioz. Management training and development needs assessment practices in the Jordanian private and public sectors : integrated or isolated? / Burak Kocer, Aktham Maghyereh. Perspectives / Jamal Abu-Doleh. Socio-cultural values and organizational culture / Hala M. Sabri. The direct and mediating effects of transactional and transformational leadership : a comparative approach / Mahmoud A. Elgamal. Factors affecting the advancement of the Lebanese tourism industry / Said M. Ladki, Mira W. Sadik.