Governance for sustainable development : the challenge of adapting form to function / edited by William M. Lafferty


Edité par Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA - 2004

This is a study on the challenge of implementing sustainable development in Western democracies. Given that sustainable development involves a number of new challenges for strategic governance, the authors examine how these obstacles can be overcome in different political contexts

Introduction / William M. Lafferty. Implementation theory and the challenge of sustainable development / Laurence J. O'Toole, Jr.. Adapting form to function? / Elizabeth Bomberg. Management by objectives and results / Lennart J. Lundqvist. 'Sustainability is cool' / Susana Aguilar Fernandez. Participation and sustainable development / James Meadowcroft. From environmental protection to sustainable development / William M. Lafferty. Partners for progress? / Audun Ruud. Governance by diffusion / Helge Jorgens. Implementing sustainble development / Hans T.A. Bressers. Governance for sustainable development / William M. Lafferty.

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