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Organizational change for corporate sustainability / Suzanne Benn, Melissa ...

Livre | Benn, Suzanne. Auteur | 2018 - Fourth edition

La quatrième de couverture indique : "Since this classic book was first published in 2003, sustainability has increasingly been accepted as standard business practice for leading corporations, while the science itself has reveale...

La RSE en schémas / Philippe Schäfer, Vincent Helfrich

Livre | Schäfer, Philippe. Auteur | 2023 - 2e édition

L'objectif de la collection 'La gestion en schémas' est de proposer des ouvrages facilitant la compréhension et la mémorisation des notions essentielles du cours. Chaque notion est ainsi envisagée selon deux approches juxtaposées ...

Organizational change for corporate sustainability / Suzanne Benn, Dexter D...

Livre | Dunphy, Dexter. Auteur | 2014 - Third edition

La page I indique : "Since this classic book was first published in 2003, sustainability has increasingly become mainstream business for leading corporations, whilst the topic itself has also been a hotly debated political issue a...

CSR, sustainability, and leadership / edited by Gabriel Eweje and Ralph J. ...

Livre | 2017

The green leap to an inclusive economy / edited by Fernando Casado Cañeque ...

Livre | Casado Cañeque, Fernando (19..-....). Éditeur scientifique | 2019

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