International & EU data protection law / editors : Gert Vermeulen & Willem Debeuckelaere


Edité par Editions Larcier - 2019 - [Ed.] 2019, updated until 13 december 2018

An up-to-date and forward-looking compilation of essential texts on data protection law. It constitutes the first-ever collection of both international and EU hard and soft law in one of fastest growing fields of law around the world. The spectrum covered is comprehensive, encompassing human rights instruments and data protection-specific instruments, extending into the sphere of government-led surveillance, information and data security, policing and criminal justice, employment and social security, direct marketing, telecom, internet, internet, cybercrime and cybersecurity, taxation and financial account information, health, bioethics and biomedicine, big data or AI. Broad range of global and regional standards (Volume I): The international section comprises key international legal instruments from a broad range of both global and regional organisations and networks, including the United Nations (UN), Interpol, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe (CoE), the African Union (AU), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD), and extends to treaties, agreements or transfer mechanisms on other multilateral or even bilateral levels. Elaborate EU section (Volume II): In addition to key data protection-specific legislation (such as the GDPR, the Law Enforcement Directive, the new Regulation on the handling of personal data by the EU institution), the elaborate EU section features subsections for primary legislation and for instruments with data protection-relevance in a series of thematic areas, including: Schengen; Europol; Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor's Office; other cooperation in criminal or customs matters; asylum, migration, borders and travel; overarching area of Freedom, Security & Justice issues (publisher)

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