Social marketing and public health : theory and practice / edited by Jeff French


Edité par Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York - 2010

The case for social marketing / Jeff French. A history of social marketing / Aiden Truss, Robert Marshall, and Clive Blair-Stevens. Key concepts and principles of social marketing / Jeff French and Clive Blair-Stevens. Behavioural theory : understanding the key influences on human behaviour / Clive Blair-Stevens, Lucy Reynolds, and Alex Christopoulos. Using social marketing to develop policy, strategy, and operational synergy / Jeff French and Clive Blair-Stevens. Providing evidence for social marketing's effectiveness / Martine Stead and Ross Gordon. Generating "insight" and building segmentations : moving beyond simple targeting / Dominic McVey and Lynne Walsh. Commissioning social marketing / Jeff French. Ethical issues in social marketing / Aiden Truss and Paul White. The total process planning (TPP) framework / Denise Ong and Clive Blair-Stevens. Scoping / Lucy Reynolds and Rowena Merritt. Development / Rowena Merritt. Implementation / Rowena Merritt. Evaluation / Dominic McVey, Adam Crosier, and Alex Christopoulos. Follow-up / Alex Christopoulos, Clive Blair-Stevens, and Jeff French. Social marketing on a shoestring budget / Jeff French. Critical social marketing / Gerard Hastings. Value for money in social marketing / Graham Lister. Capacity building, competencies, and standards / Paul White and Jeff French. Partnerships in social marketing / Jeff French. Social marketing in developing countries / William A. Smith. Learning from the experts : interviews with leading social marketers / Dean Hanley and Allison Thorpe.

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