Financial modeling and valuation : a practical guide to investment banking and private equity / Paul Pignataro


Pignataro, Paul. Auteur

Edité par Wiley - 2022 - Second edition

"Written by the founder and CEO of the world-renowned New York School of Finance, Financial Modeling and Valuation provides clear and systematic guidance on accurately evaluating the soundness of a stock investment. This invaluable handbook equips investors with the tools necessary for understanding the underlying fundamentals of a rational investment and for making smarter investment decisions in any market environment. Built around an in-depth case study of global retail leader Amazon, this fully updated Second Edition shows you how to analyze the financial standing of a company using the methods of Wall Street professionals. Step-by-step, you will learn to build the core three statements—income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet—as well as the three major supporting schedules required for complete company valuation and analysis. All line items are explained in clear language and include real-world tips and techniques for using them as tools for valuing and managing a business." (source :

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