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Chemical bonds in semiconductors and solids / Edited by N.N. Sirota

Livre | 1967

Les liaisons chimiques / Mark J. Winter

Livre | Winter, Mark J. Auteur | 2020

"La liaison chimique, qui constitue la base de la structure et de la réactivité de toutes les molécules, est expliquée de façon claire et succincte dans cet ouvrage de base, ce qui en fait le texte idéal pour initier les ét...

Three port photonic and plasmonic demultiplexers based on Cross and U-shape...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Khattou, S. | 2022-04-21

International audience. We propose the design of three port photonic and plasmonic demultiplexers where filtering toward the two outputs is based on the phenomena of Fano resonances and electromagnetically induced t...

Multimode propagation in phononic crystals with overlapping Bragg and hybri...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Croënne, Charles | 2022-01-17

International audience. Unusual dispersion properties are observed in a phononic crystal of nylon rods in water when the lattice constant is adjusted so that Bragg and hybridization gaps overlap in frequency. On the...

Electronic structure and the properties of solids : the physics of the chem...

Livre | Harrison, Walter Ashley (1930-....). Auteur | 1980

Temperature Sensitivity of Surface Phononic Crystals modes (SPnC) based on ...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Talbi, Abdelkrim | 2021-08-25

International audience. This work focuses on the theoretical and experimental investigation of acoustic waves sensors based on 2D Surface Phononic Crystals (PnC). We investigated the temperature coefficient of frequ...

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