Design thinking for innovation : research and practice / Walter Brenner, Falk Uebernickel, ...


Edité par Springer International Publishing - 2016

This book presents the full scope of Design Thinking in theory and practice, bringing together prominent opinion leaders and experienced practitioners who share their insights, approaches and lessons learned. As Design Thinking is gaining popularity in the context of innovation and information management, the book elaborates the specific interpretations and meanings of the concept in different fields including engineering, management, and information technology. As such, it offers students and professionals a sourcebook revealing the power of Design Thinking, while providing academics a roadmap for further research

Introduction from the Editors. Design Thinking as Mindset, Process, and Toolbox / Walter Brenner, Falk Uebernickel, Thomas Abrell. Contributions from Teaching and Research. Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Integration and Avenues for Future Research / Thomas Abrell. Measurement of Design Front End: Radical Innovation Approach / Pekka Berg, Jussi Pihlajamaa, Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Ade Mabogunje. Design Thinking for Revolutionizing Your Business Models / Amir Bonakdar, Oliver Gassmann. Design Thinking in IS Research Projects / Mateusz Dolata, Gerhard Schwabe. Dynagrams: Enhancing Design Thinking Through Dynamic Diagrams / Martin J. Eppler, Sebastian Kernbach. What if ? Strategy Design for Enacting Enterprise Performance / Simon Grand. Effectuation: Control the Future with the Entrepreneurial Method / Dietmar Grichnik, Ronny Baierl, Michael Faschingbauer. “Making Is Thinking”: The Design Practice of Crafting Strategy / Claus D. Jacobs. Context Dependency in Design Research / Larry Leifer, Alexander A. Neff. What Is It That Design Thinking and Marketing Management Can Learn from Each Other ? / Sven Reinecke. Contributions from Practice. Industrial Design Thinking at Siemens Corporate Technology, China / Xiao Ge, Bettina Maisch. Design Thinking: Process or Culture ? / Alexander Grots, Isabel Creuznacher. Designing from the Future / Michael Shamiyeh.

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