Organizational Mindset of Entrepreneurship : Exploring the Co-Creation Pathways of Structural Change and Innovation / Veland Ramadani, Ramo Palalić, Léo-Paul Dana, Norris Krueger, Andrea Caputo, editors


Ramadani, Veland. Éditeur scientifique | Palalić, Ramo. Éditeur scientifique | Dana, Léo-Paul (1958-....). Éditeur scientifique | Krueger, Norris. Éditeur scientifique | Caputo, Andrea (1986-....). Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Springer - 2020

Organisational Mindset of Entrepreneurship: An Overview. Entrepreneurial Leadership and Its Impact on the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Ventures. Too Much of a Good Thing? Employee Human Capital and the Accelerated Internationalization of Belgian Small and Medium-Sized Companies. Entrepreneurial Mindset and SMEs Sustainability. Exploring the Effects of Learning Organization on Innovative Work Behaviours of White-Collar Workers: Sample from Turkey. Features of the Entrepreneurial Mindset of SMEs Owners in the Moldavian Unfriendly Environment. Skill Sets, Employee Types, And Strategies for Remediation: Analytical and Clinical Considerations for the Workplace. Human Capital and Innovation: An Analysis of the Western Balkans. Entrepreneurial Marketing Mindset: What Entrepreneurs Should Know. Corporate Entrepreneurship: From Structures to Mindset.

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