Building better humans? : refocusing the debate on transhumanism / edited by Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Kenneth L. Mossman


Edité par Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main - 2012

Science, technology, and democracy / Michael M. Crow ; Recombinant innovation creative hybrid zones in the adaptive university / Quentin Wheeler ; New perspectives on transhumanism / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Kenneth L. Mossman ; Science and the betterment of humanity: three British prophets of transhumanism / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson ; Religion and the technowonderland of transhumanism / Linell E. Cady ; Jewish perspectives on transhumanism / Norbert Samuelson and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson ; Ideals of human perfection: a comparison of Sufism and transhumanism / Farzad Mahootian ; Transhumanism and the Orthodox Christian tradition / Eugene Clay ; "The true dreams of mankind" Mircea Eliade's transhumanist fiction and the history of religions / Steven M. Wasserstrom ; What is race? Transhumanism and the evolutionary sciences / Brian Gratton ; In sickness and in health: the (fuzzy) boundary between "therapy" and "enhancement" / Kenneth L. Mossman ; The (in)feasibility of regulating enhancement / Gary E. Marchant and Alexandra López ; Transhumanist materialism: a critique from immunoneuropsychology / Steven A. Hoffman..

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