When death is sought : assisted suicide and euthanasia in the medical context / [by the Task Force]


Edité par New York State Task Force on Life and the Law - 1994 - [ed..]

The epidemiology of suicide. Suicide in the general population. Risk factors for suicide. Suicide and special patient populations. Patients with cancer. Patients with AIDS. The elderly. Clinical responses to pain and suffering. Assessing pain and other symptoms. Managing pain. Treating other symptoms of illness. Current clinical practice. Decisions at life's end: existing law. The right to decide about treatment. Suicide and the law. Assisted suicide. Euthanasia. Professional misconduct proceedings. The Constitutional issues. The ethical debate. An historical perspective. Distinguishing assisted suicide and euthanasia. The appeal to autonomy. Benefiting the patient. Societal consequences. The role and responsibilities of physicians. Killing and allowing to die. Crafting public policy on assisted suicide and euthanasia. The question of legal change. Response to proposed guidelines to legalize assisted suicide. Distinguishing decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment. Developing professional medical standards. Caring for severely ill patients. Decisions about life-sustaining treatment. Improving palliative care. Diagnosing and treating depression. Responding when a patient requests assisted suicide or euthanasia.

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