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Du même sujet

The different faces of autonomy : patient autonomy in ethical theory and ho...

Livre | Schermer, Maartje. Auteur | 2002

"Patient autonomy is a much discussed and debated subject in medical ethics, as well as in healthcare practice, medical law, and healthcare policy. This book provides a detailed and nuanced analysis of both the concept of autonomy...

The virtues in medical practice / Edmund D. Pellegrino,... and David C. Tho...

Livre | Pellegrino, Edmund D. (1920-2013). Auteur | 1993

Life choices : a Hastings Center introduction to bioethics / edited by Jose...

Livre | 1995

Can ethics provide answers? / James Rachels. The role of emotion in ethical decisionmaking / Sidney Callahan. The burden of decision / Alexander Morgan Capron. What about the family? / John Hardwig. The family in medical decisionm...

Body, soul, and bioethics / Gilbert C. Meilaender

Livre | Meilaender, Gilbert C. (1946-....). Auteur | 1995

In his newest book noted theologian and ethicist Gilbert C. Meilaender examines how the field of bioethics has developed over the last quarter century and reconsiders some of its central concepts and arguments. Because the literat...

Health care ethics : an introduction / edited by Donald VanDeVeer and Tom R...

Livre | 1987

Euthanasia / Margaret Pabst Battin. Informed consent / Dan W. Brock. Experimentation on human subjects : the ethics of random clinical trials / Bruce Miller. Abortion / L.W. Sumner. The aboriton issue / Mary Anne Warren. The treat...

An introduction to bioethics / Thomas A. Shannon

Livre | Shannon, Thomas Anthony (1940-....). Auteur | 1987 - 2nd, rev. and updated.

What is bioethics?. The role and place of technology. Ethical issues. Abortion. The definition of death. Euthanasia. The living will. Treatment decisions and newborns. Organ transplants. Research on human subjects. Behavior modifi...

Du même domaine

Rapport général des activités : 1998-2000 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

Livre | 2001

Rapport général des activités : 2000-2005 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

Livre | 2005

Puissances technologiques et éthique de la décision : [journée d'études du ...

Livre | Capelle-Dumont, Philippe (1954-....). Directeur de publication | 2019

Study on the patenting of inventions related to human stem cell research / ...

Livre | 2002

Médecine et biologie : quelle logique ? / Michel Delsol,... Louis F. Perrin...

Livre | Delsol, Michel (1922-2012). Auteur | 2000

The protection of fundamental ethical principles in international research ...

Livre | Salvi, Maurizio. Directeur de publication | 2012

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