Renewable energy finance : theory and practice / Santosh Raikar, Seabron Adamson


Raikar, Santosh. Auteur | Adamson, Seabron. Auteur

Edité par Elsevier ; Academic Press - 2020

1. Financing the new energy economy. 2. Public policy mechanisms to support renewable energy. 3. Basic project finance concepts. 4. Modeling project cash flows and debt service. 5. Renewable project finance structures and risk allocation. 6. Tax structures for financing renewable energy projects in the U.S. 7. Financing distributed generation projects. 8. Renewable energy in power markets. 9. Managing transmission costs and risks for renewable projects. 10. Alternative off-take strategies and managing merchant risks. 11. Project development and valuation. 12. Energy storage financing: opportunities and challenges. 13. Renewable energy finance in the international context.

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