The history of development : from Western origins to global faith / Gilbert Rist


Rist, Gilbert (1938-2023). Auteur | Camiller, Patrick. Traducteur

Edité par Zed Books Ltd - 2019 - Fifth edition.

La quatrième de couverture indique : "In this landmark text, Gilbert Rist provides a comprehensive and compelling overview of what the idea of development has meant throughout history. He traces it from its origins in the Western view of history, through the early stages of the world system, the rise of US hegemony and the supposed triumph of third-worldism, to new concerns about the environment and globalization. Assessing possible postdevelopment models and considering the ecological dimensions of development, Rist contemplates the ways forward. Throughout, he argues persuasively that development has been no more than a collective delusion, which in reality has resulted only in widening market relations, whatever the intentions of its advocates. This is an essential, classic development text written by one of the leaders of postdevelopment theory."

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