Embroidered Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Transmission Line for Wireless Body Sensor Network

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Ghaddar, Ali | Garnier, Baptiste | Rault, François | Lheurette, Eric | Burgnies, Ludovic

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Institution of Engineering and Technology

International audience. A wearable Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Transmission Line (SSPP TL) operating at 2.45 GHz designed for embroidery production and on-body communication is proposed. The SSPP TL supports both even and odd modes launched by near field coupling with a dipole antenna perpendicular and parallel to the TL, respectively. First, the experimental dispersion curves and transmission for the even and odd modes are favourably compared to simulations. Then, experimental transmission for each mode is compared with the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) transmission between two parallel-oriented antennas. At 2.45 GHz, a transmission enhancement of 16 dB is measured for the even mode and it reaches up to 37 dB for the odd mode. A transmission enhancement of 30 dB is also measured at 2.45 GHz between two antennas with orthogonal orientations. Performances of the SSPP TL for Wireless Body Sensor Network are evaluated. Transmission is sustained for the SSPP TL under curvature and right angle bending. Transmission measured when both an arm and a copper plate obstacle between antennas were surrounded by the curved SSPP TL is compared with the obstructed LOS transmission. Measurements show a transmission enhancement up to 22 and 25 dB for the even and odd modes, respectively.

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