Système hybride à pile à combustible et supercondensateur : structures, contrôle commande et gestion d'énergie

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Azib, Toufik | Bethoux, Olivier | Remy, Ghislain | Marchand, Claude | Berthelot, Éric

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Lavoisier

LGEP 2011 ID = 945. International audience. This paper deals with a study of the hybrid system using membrane of exchange of protons fuel cell (PEMFC) with supercapacitors for applications with strong dynamics of instantaneous power, as in the electrical vehicles. After a description of the power requirements, different hybrid structure are analysed, and two parallel structures are more detailed. For each of them, from a control strategy allowing an effective flows energy management, an experimental validation shows the performances obtained on a mission profile given by the vehicle dynamics.

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