Joshua / by Hartmut N. Rösel


Rösel, Hartmut N (1944-....). Auteur

Edité par Peeters. Leuven, Paris, Walpole (Mass.) - 2011

Introduction. Commentary. Joshua, the new leader. Rahab and the souts in Jericho. Crossing the Jordan. A new beginning in the land of Israel. The fall of the walls of Jericho. Achan's transgression and its consequences. The conquest of Ai. The ceremony on Mount Ebal. The covenant with the Gibeonites. The battle near Gibeon and the conquest of the South. The battle at the waters of Merom and the conquest of the North. Summary list of defeated kings. Dividing the land : the eastern tribes. Dividing the land of Canaan : introduction and Caleb's share. The territory of Judah. The territory of Joseph and its subtribe Ephraim. The territorial inheritance of Manasseh. Distributing the land in Shiloh : The territory of Benjamin. The territories of Simeon and of the Galilean tribes. Cities of refuge. Levitical cities : summary of the conquest. The "altar" at the Jordan. First farewell speech of Joshua. The covenant at Shechem : death and burial of the leaders.

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