Ethics from the ground up : emerging debates, changing practices and new voices in healthcare / editors: Julie Wintrup, H. Biggs, T. Brannelly, A. Fenwick, R. Ingham and D. Woods.


Edité par Red Globe Press. London - 2019

This project brings together a range of new perspectives on ethics in health and care - in terms of practice, relationships and decisions making.

1 Interprofessional ethics in everyday healthcare -- 2 An ethics of care transformation of mental health service provision: Creating services that people want to use -- 3 Dilemmas of disclosure in mental health therapeutic education -- 4 Reflecting on emerging debates -- 5 Moving beyond the `yuk' factor: ethical issues and breastmilk sharing and donation -- 6 Veterans and the ethics of reciprocity -- 7 In whose best interests? -- 8 Decision making and reciprocity: public and private considerations -- 9 We need to talk about ethics and social media: a conversation -- 10 Patients as leaders: reflections on identity, equality and power -- 11 Ethics. `We do that on Fridays' -- 12 Reflections on new voices.

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