Fundamentals of project management / Joseph Heagney


Heagney, Joseph. Auteur

Edité par American Management Association (AMACOM) - 2022 - 6th edition

For close to three decades, Fundamentals of Project Management has helped people tackle the complexities of the job. Succinct and easy to read, the book simplifies concepts, answers questions, and helps tame the chaos that can erupt as projects move from planning to completion. The Sixth Edition of this trusted bestseller offers the practical guidelines and tools project managers have come to expect, along with new information explaining changes to the PMBOK® Guide, 7th Edition. Updated tools, techniques, examples, and exercises clearly explain how to : Clarify project goals and objectives - Manage stakeholders in the planning process- Form a project risk plan - Create a communication plan - (NEW) Leverage current post-pandemic project trends - (NEW) Identify challenges leading virtual project teams - Use a work breakdown structure - Develop solid estimates - (NEW) Leverage different technologies to support virtual work - (NEW) Maximize communication in the absence of visual clues - Produce a workable schedule - Improve procurement management - Manage change requests - Lead the project team effectively - Control and evaluate progress at every stage - Close the project and review lessons learned - (NEW) Create and sustain trust in a virtual team - (NEW) Manage project recovery when crises hit - (NEW) Avoid the faulty fix - (NEW) Execute the project reset - (NEW) Manage the risk of project recovery - And more. Project mishaps are all too common, but often easy to avoid. With its practical, step-by-step approach, this book gets both new and experienced managers up to speed on the fundamentals—the first crucial step for completing projects on time and on budget.

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