Interviewology : the new science of interviewing / Anna Papalia.


Papalia, Anna

Here is a guide to mastering the job interview, offering proven advice and techniques to discover your unique interview style that is key to interviewing better - for those on either side of the table. Conventional interviewing advice doesn't work. That's what Anna Papalia learned through years of experience as an HR professional, consultant for Fortune 500 companies, and teacher at the Fox School of Business. None of the existing tools work for one simple reason: they don't get to the heart of what actually makes a great interview - self-awareness. At its core, an interview is a set of questions about you. If you don't know yourself, you won't do well. In 'Interviewology', Anna teaches you how to identify your individual style (and that of who you are interviewing with) and offers pragmatic tips for using this knowledge to nail your next interview.

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