Doing qualitative research / David Silverman


Silverman, David (1943-....) - sociologue. Auteur

Edité par SAGE - 2022 - Sixth edition

Need practical advice on how to do your first qualitative research project? This book will guide you through each step of the research process: from brainstorming ideas and working with your supervisor to navigating the field to writing up your results. Driven by examples from other students’ projects, the book features discussions on translating social problems into research topics, collecting data in the wake of a pandemic, and guidance from Qualitative Data Analysis Software expert Christian Schmieder to help you summarise, categorise, and review qualitative data. A new chapter on how much data you need answers the age-old question: ‘how many interviews or case studies are enough?’ It also includes: - Articles and websites to build your bibliography - Questions to test your knowledge - Videos from world-leading qualitative experts - Activities to dig deeper into key concepts and think critically about research - Lessons-learned discussions with other researchers - Exercises to help you choose the right path for your project.

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