International humanitarian law : cases, materials and commentary / Nicholas Tsagourias, Alasdair Morrison


Tsagourias, Nikolaos K. - juriste. Auteur | Morrison, Alasdair. Auteur

Edité par Cambridge University Press - 2023 - Second edition

"The distinctive qualities of the second edition continue to be (i) a comprehensive and systematized presentation of cases and materials; (ii) diversity in the selected materials; (iii) accessibility; (iv) targeted commentaries; (v) can act as a standalone resource or as accompaniment to IHL textbooks"--

Definition and classification of armed conflicts. Fundamental principles of international humanitarian law. The relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law. Principle of distinction : combatants and civilians. Protection of civilians. Protection of prisoners of war. Means and methods of warfare and the law of targeting. Law of neutrality. Law of occupation. The law of non-international armed conflict. Enforcement of international humanitarian law. Command responsibility.

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