Tort law : a comparative introduction / Eric Tjong Tjin Tai,...


Tjong Tjin Tai, Eric. Auteur

Edité par Edward Elgar Publishing - 2022

This accessible textbook provides an introductory guide to tort law, with a structured explanation of the key concepts and doctrines. Using a comparative approach, the discussion is illustrated with case law and provisions from three key jurisdictions: England, France and Germany. With liberal reference to other codes and cases from around the world, the book gives readers a contextual understanding and will appeal to classes with a global outlook. Key Features: - Examples of different solutions show how tort law is implemented in a variety of jurisdictions - Direct comparison of legal systems helps readers to match different kinds of property or damage in civil and common law systems - Translated provisions from codes and statutes facilitate access to the systems of French and German law in particular - Clarification of corresponding concepts and terminology, as well as guidelines and examples to help readers find their way in a legal environment that is not restricted to a single jurisdiction - Introductory guidance to tort law systems outside Europe Providing readers with a working knowledge of major tort law systems as well as a greater understanding of the main concepts in tort law, this textbook will be an important resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students

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