The Blackwell guide to medical ethics / edited by Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis, and Anita Silvers


Edité par Blackwell Publishing - 2007

Autonomy, the good life and controversial choices / Julian Savulescu. Individual responsibility and reproduction / Rachel A. Ankeny. Patient and family decisions about life-extension and death / Felicia Nimue Ackerman. The professional responsibilities of medicine / Rosamond Rhodes. Truth telling / Roger Higgs. Medical confidentiality / Kenneth Kipnis. Patient competence and surrogate decision making / Dan Brock. Ending life / Frances Myrna Kamm. Discrimination in medical practice : justice and the obligations of health care providers to disadvantaged patients / Leslie P. Francis. Institutional practices, ethics, and the physician / Mary V. Rorty, Ann E. Mills, and Patricia H. Werhane. Reproductive choice / Rebecca Bennett and John Harris. Public policy and ending lives / Evert van Leeuwen and Gerrit Kimsma. Drug legalization / Douglas N. Husak. Selling organs, gametes, and surrogacy services / Janet Radcliffe-Richards. The patient as victim and vector : the challenge of infectious disease for bioethics / Margaret P. Battin ... [et al.]. Controlling science and technology / Glenn McGee and Dýrleif Bjarnadóttir. Allocation of scarce resources / Paul Menzel. Just caring : the challenges of priority-setting in public health / Leonard M. Fleck. Justice and the financing of health care / Stephen R. Latham. Judgment and justice : evaluating health care for chronically ill and disabled patients / Anita Silvers. Justice in research on human subjects / David R. Buchanan and Franklin G. Miller. Community standards, medical mistakes, practice reform & malpractice / Troyen Anthony Brennan. Pre-existing conditions : genetic testing, causation and the justice of medical insurance / Robert T. Pennock.

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