A history of patenting life in the United States with comparative attention to Europe and Canada : a report to the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies / Daniel J. Kevles,...


Kevles, Daniel J. (1939-....). Auteur

Edité par Office for Official Publications of the European Commission. Luxembourg - 2002

Vérification des exemplaires disponibles ...


Du même auteur

Au nom de l'eugénisme : génétique et politique dans le monde anglo-saxon / ...

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Du même sujet

The student's guide to research ethics / Paul Oliver

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Ethical intersections : health research, methods and researcher responsibil...

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This book presents a collection of essays that aims to make public the social discourse on ethics of health research used by responsible, practising researchers in order to demonstrate the detailed and fine consideration given to ...

Ethical issues in international biomedical research / edited by James V. La...

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Research ethics / edited by Ana Smith Iltis

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Research ethics / edited by Kenneth D. Pimple

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Beyond autonomy : limits and alternatives to informed consent in research e...

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La 4ème de couv. indique : "Respect for autonomy has become a fundamental principle in human research ethics. Nonetheless, this principle and the associated process of obtaining informed consent do have limitations. This can lead...

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Rapport général des activités : 1998-2000 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

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Rapport général des activités : 2000-2005 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

Livre | 2005

Puissances technologiques et éthique de la décision : [journée d'études du ...

Livre | Capelle-Dumont, Philippe (1954-....). Directeur de publication | 2019

Study on the patenting of inventions related to human stem cell research / ...

Livre | 2002

Médecine et biologie : quelle logique ? / Michel Delsol,... Louis F. Perrin...

Livre | Delsol, Michel (1922-2012). Auteur | 2000

The protection of fundamental ethical principles in international research ...

Livre | Salvi, Maurizio. Directeur de publication | 2012

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