Global justice and bioethics / edited by Joseph Millum and Ezekiel J. Emanuel


Edité par Oxford University Press. Oxford - 2012

Global bioethics and political theory / Joseph Millum. Is there a human right to essential pharmaceuticals? : the global common, the intellectual common, and the possibility of private intellectual property / Mathias Risse. Global justice and health : the basis of the global health duty / Jonathan Wolff. Justice in the diffusion of innovation / Allen Buchanan & Robert O. Keohane. What is non-ideal theory? / Gopal Sreenivasan. Global justice and the "standard of care" debates / Ezekiel J. Emanuel. The bioethics of second-best / Robert E. Goodin. INGO health programs in a non-ideal world : imperialism, respect, and procedural justice / Lisa Fuller. Promoting global health through accreditation : the case of medical tourism / Nir Eyal. The obligations of researchers amidst injustice or deprivation / Alan Wertheimer.

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