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Meetings that make a difference : [200 tips for better meetings] / Jonathan Frost
Edité par [Discovery Coaching Limited] - 2018 - 2e édition
"This is the second edition of the popular book by Jonathan Frost; it has been expanded and the tips, hints and techniques have doubled. It remain a short book at just over 100 pages however it packs over 200 tips for making meetings better. It has a practical approach that will resonate with all who have to attend meetings. It starts by challenging you to become a 'subject matter expert' and provokes you to redefine what you mean by 'meeting'. Chapter 3 enlightens you on the powerful force of 'collective influence' and how meetings can impact this in your own organisation. Chapter 4 introduces the 7 powerful practices of a good facilitator. These can be applied immediately with immediate benefits. Chapter 5 provides a quick summary of the 10 key success factors to look for when facilitating meetings. Chapter 6 provides a helpful insight into meeting dynamics together with some tips and hints about how to deal with them. Chapter 7 highlights the 'goal focus' principle and shows you how to ensure that goals (not habits) shape your meetings. Chapter 8 you are presented with 7 proven tactics that you can use to make the most of agenda points - spend less time getting better results. Chapter 9 highlights range of meeting 'traps' for you to avoid. Chapter 10 has a meetings evaluation checklist that is useful for group learning and 1:1 coaching." (source : amazon.co.uk)