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Genetic counseling, the Church, and the law : a report of the Task Force on Genetic Diagnosis and Counseling, Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center / edited by Gary M. Atkinson,.. and Albert S. Moraczewski,...
Edité par The Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center - 1980
I. Genetic medicine: an overview : 1. Genetic defects: their nature and diagnosis : Fundamental genetics ; Types of genetic disease ; Antenatal diagnosis : Current status of major antenatal diagnostic technologies ; Future prospects for the major antenatal diagnostic technologies ; Elements for a value assessment of these technologies ; Application to genetic screening and sex selection.. 2. Genetic medicine in the clinical setting : The nature of genetic counseling ; Case histories. II. The social, philosophical and theological context : 3. The meaning of the human: cultural and philosophical perspectives : Science and human self-image ; Contemporary modes of understanding ; Three philosophical approaches to the human : The social approach ; The developmental approach ; The genetic approach ; Social ramifications of the three approaches.. 4. The meaning of the human: biblical, magisterial, personalistic perspectives : Selected Biblical teachings regarding the human : To be human is to be known by God ; Suffering and on being human. The contemporary magisterial teachings concerning the human : The dignity of the human being made in the image of God ; The progress of human society as part of God's plan ; The primacy of moral values. Christian personalism. III. Christian concerns and responses to genetic disease : 5. Moral and social issues arising in genetic medicine : Abortion : Pro-abortion arguments ; Anti-abortion responsibilities ; Implications of selective abortion. Genetic screening ; Parents, counselors, and society.. 6. The individual Christian witness : Individual Christian responsibility ; Christian parents' response to genetic defects : The value of married love and the family ; Children and the decision not to procreate. Parental responsibilities ; The Christian genetic counselor : The Christian health professional ; The Christian genetic counselor : The acquisition and use of scientific knowledge and technical skills ; Confidentiality and full disclosure ; Nondirective counseling and the counselor's moral conviction.. 7. The institutional Christian response : The Church as the Christian community ; The Church in its official teaching body, the bishops ; The Church in its health care institutions.. 8. Christian expectations regarding civil society's responsibilities toward genetic defects : Principles ; Expectations regarding societal responsibilities ; Partial realization of expectations.
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