Globalization in world history / edited by A.G. Hopkins


Edité par W.W. Norton & Company - 2002

A. G. Hopkins, Globalization : an agenda for historians. A. G. Hopkins, The History of Globalization and the Globalization of History ?. C. A. Bayly, "Archaic" and "Modern" Globalization in the Eurasian and African Arena, ca. 1750-1850. Amira K. Bennison, Muslim Universalism and Western Globalization. Richard Drayton, The Collaboration of Labor : Slaves, Empires, and Globalization in the Atlantic World, ca. 1600-1850. Tony Ballantyne, Empire, Knowledge, and Culture : from Proto-Globalization to Modern Globalization. T. N. Harper, Empire, Diaspora, and the Languages of Globalism, 1850-1914. Hans van de Ven, The Onrush of Modern Globalization in China. John Lonsdale, Globalization, Ethnicity, and Democraty : a view from "The Hopeless Continent". A. G. Hopkins, Globalization with and without Empires : from Bali to Labrador. David Reynolds, American Globalism : Mass, Motion, and the Multiplier Effect.

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