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Du même auteur

Operations management / Jay Heizer,... Barry Render,...

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2006 - 8th ed.

Operations management / Jay Heizer,... Barry Render,...

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2011 - 10th edition (Global edition)

Operations management / sustainability and supply chain management

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2014 - 11th edition (Global edition)

Du même sujet

Introduction to materials management / Stephen N. Champan, J.R. Tony Arnold...

Livre | Chapman, Stephen N. Auteur | 2017 - 8th ed.

Introduction to materials management / J.R. Tony Arnold,... Stephen N. Chap...

Livre | Arnold, J. R. Tony. Auteur | 2012 - 7th ed.

For courses in Materials Management, Production and Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges and universities. This is the only text listed in the APICS-The Ed...

Operations Management : Sustainability and Supply Chain Management / Jay He...

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2017 - Twelfth edition (Global edition)

Operations management / Jay Heizer,... Barry Render,...

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2011 - 10th edition (Global edition)

Operations management / sustainability and supply chain management

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2014 - 11th edition (Global edition)

Operations management / Jay Heizer,... Barry Render,...

Livre | Heizer, Jay H. (1935-....). Auteur | 2006 - 8th ed.

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