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Du même auteur

Histoire de l'Allemagne / Jacques Droz, ...

Livre | Droz, Jacques (1909-1998). Auteur | 2003 - 14e édition

Le second conflit mondial : mai 1939-mai 1945 / par Jean Vidalenc,...

Livre | Vidalenc, Jean (1912-1986). Auteur | 1970

La société française de 1815 à 1848. [2], Le peuple des villes et des bourg...

Livre | Vidalenc, Jean (1912-1986). Auteur | 1973

Du même sujet

Démocraties et capitalisme : 1848-1860 / par Charles-H. Pouthas,...

Livre | Pouthas, Charles Hippolyte (1886-1974). Auteur | 1941

Restaurations, révolutions, nationalités : 1815-1870 / par Max Tacel,...

Livre | Tacel, Max (1913-2004). Auteur | 1990 - 4 édition mise à jour

International political theory : rethinking ethics in a global era.

Livre | Hutchings, Kimberly (1960-) | 1999

International Political Theory offers an account of the competing schools of thought in traditional and contemporary international theory, and new ways of thinking about international political morality.

The age of revolution : Europe 1789-1848 / Eric Hobsbawm

Livre | Hobsbawm, Eric John (1917-2012). Auteur | 1997

After defeat : how the East learned to live with the West / by Ayse Zarakol...

Livre | Zarakol, Ayse. | 2010

Turkey, Japan and Russia were all once competitors of the West, but have had to adapt to Western norms following defeats at the hands of the West. This book examines how a sense of stigma has shaped the foreign policies of states ...

Before the West : the rise and fall of eastern world orders / Ayse Zarakol.

Livre | Zarakol, Ayse. - New edition.

'Before the West' presents the first comprehensive account of the international relations in 'the East', weaving together histories of the regions we today call East Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia (Russia), the Middle East and South ...

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