Knowledge management and information systems : strategies for growing organizations / Robert Mellor


Mellor, Robert B.. Auteur

Edité par Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke, New York - 2011

"Knowledge Management and Information Systems Strategy for Growing Organizations examines the role that information systems play in helping SMEs use knowledge to achieve strategic organizational goals. Adopting a business perspective, it is ideal for students studying strategic information systems and knowledge management"--

Machine generated contents note:. Introduction. PART I: BACKGROUND. Introduction to Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management and Innovation. Knowlege Management, Entrepreneurship and the Value Chain. Information Systems and SMEs. PART II: MODELLING THE THEORY. Knowledge Valley Theory. Managing Formal Knowledge. PART III: APPLYING THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES. Using Knowledge Valley Theory to Increase Organisational Innovation. Factors that Stop Innovation. Leadership and Innovation. Knowledge and Learning. PART IV: BUILDING APPLIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Recombining Knowledge and Learning. Drawing Conclusions. PART V: THE PRACTITIONER VIEW. Calculating the Benefit. Larger Organisations. Conclusion. References. Appendix. Index.

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