
Du même sujet

Islamic law and international law : peaceful resolution of disputes / Emili...

Livre | Powell, Emilia Justyna. Auteur | 2020

Présentation sur le site de l'éditeur : "There are twenty-nine Islamic law states (ILS) in the world today, and their Muslim population is over 900 million. Muslims in these countries—and, to some extent, all Muslims—are ethical...

International financial management / Cheol S. Eun, Bruce G. Resnick

Livre | Eun, Cheol S.. Auteur | 2018 - 8e éd.

"International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis that will serve them well in their careers ahead. The decision-making process is presented through the text with the goal of teaching students ho...

Financial accounting and reporting : a global perspective / Hervé Stolowy, ...

Livre | Stolowy, Hervé (19..-....). Auteur | 2024 - Seventh edition.

The politics of Islamic finance / edited by Clement M. Henry and Rodney Wil...

Livre | 2004

Islamic banking : fiqh and financial analysis / Adiwarman A. Karim

Livre | Karim, Adiwarman A.. Auteur | 2008 - 3e édition

Finance islamique : opérations financières autorisées et prohibées : vers u...

Livre | Lévy, Aldo. Auteur | 2012

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