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Du même sujet

Tout le PASS en QCM et exercices : tout le tronc commun du parcours accès s...

Livre | Fredon, Daniel (1944-....). Directeur de publication | 2023 - 2023-2024

A theory of medical ethics / Robert M. Veatch

Livre | Veatch, Robert M.. Auteur | 1981

Principles of biomedical ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress

Livre | Beauchamp, Tom L. (1939-....). Auteur | 1989 - 3rd edition

Procedimentos de decisión en ética clínical / Diego Gracia,...

Livre | Gracia, Diego (19..-....). Auteur | 1991

Textbook of healthcare ethics / Erich H. Loewy

Livre | Loewy, Erich H. (1927-....). Auteur | 1996

1. Historical Introduction. 2. Theoretical Considerations. 3. Fallibility and the Problem of Blameworthiness in Medicine. 4. The Ongoing Dialectic between Autonomy and Responsibility in a Pluralist World. 5. Ethical Problems: Appr...

Introduction to clinical ethics / general editors, John C. Fletcher [et al....

Livre | 1997 - seconde ed.

1. Clinical ethics: history, content, and resources/ John C. Fletcher, Franklin G. Miller, and Edward M. Spencer. 2. Clinical pragmatism: a case method of moral problem solving/ Franklin G. Miller, John C. Fletcher, and Joseph J. ...

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