Working in groups : communication principles and strategies / Isa Engleberg, Dianna Wynn


Engleberg, Isa N.. Auteur

Edité par Houghton Mifflin. Boston - 2003 - 3rd ed.

This introductory text for group communication balances both classical and current theories. The text examines which skills are most effective in a small group setting, focusing on how groups work both in theory and practice. The Second Edition continues the comprehensive coverage of all aspects of small group communication, employing a writing style that is clear and accessible to a diverse audience. Thoughtful descriptions of the creative problem-solving process and recommended methods for enhancing group creativity demonstrate the value and application of theories. Full coverage of the integral role of technology in the group process includes new ways to use technology to produce effective collaboration and enrich the capabilities of small group work. A comprehensive, ready-to-use, electronic Instructor's Resource Manual contains selected items for adaptation and printing. (Free to adopters.)

Ch. 1. Introduction to small group communication. ch. 2. Group formation and development. ch. 3. Participation in groups. ch. 4. Confidence in groups. ch. 5. Verbal and nonverbal communication in groups. ch. 6. Listening in groups. ch. 7. Conflict and cohesion in groups. ch. 8. Leadership in groups. ch. 9. Decision making and problem solving in groups. ch. 10. Argumentation in groups. 11. Motivation in groups. ch. 12. Informed groups. ch. 13. Technology and virtual groups. ch. 14. Planning and conducting meetings. ch. 15. Making presentations in groups. Appendix. Parliamentary procedure.

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