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Working group on the determination of brain death and its relationship to human death, 10-14 December 1989 / edited by R.J. White, H. Angstwurm and I. Carrasco de Paula
Edité par Pontificia Academia Scientiarum - 1992
Preface / G.B. Marini-Bettòlo. Foreword. List of participants. Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the working group. Welcoming address to the participitants / G.B. Marini-Bettòlo. Introductory lecture / John C. Eccles. Brain death as the death of a human being / Heinz Angstwurm. "Brain death": a valid theme with invalid variations, blurred by semantic ambiguity / D. Alan Shewmon. The concept of human death in reference to organ transplantation / Robert J. White. Definition of death and organ transplantation. Experiences from Sweden / David H. Ingvar and Sven-Erik Bergentz. Perspectives in brain research / David Ottoson. Final considerations formulated by the scientific participants. Preliminary notes on the legal implications of organ transplants / Guido Gerin. Is "brain death" actually death? A critique of redefining man's death in terms of "brain death" / Josef Seifert. Assertions dogmatiques que doit prendre en compte la reflexion sur la transplantation d'organes / Daniel Ols, O.P.. Catholic doctrine on death / John M. McDermott, S.J.. Réflexion philosophique et théologique sur le moment de la mort / Jean-Michel Maldamé, O.P.. "Cerebral death": is this sufficient to establish human death? / Lino Ciccone. The ethical relevance of brain death / I. Carrasco de Paula. Conclusion of the meeting of the Working Group held at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, October 19-21 1985 on the "The ai-Bettòlo. Foreword. List of participants. Discourse of John Paul II to the participants of the working group. Welcoming address to the participitants / G.B. Marini.
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