Handbook of organizational justice / Jerald Greenberg, Jason A. Colquitt


Edité par Psychology Press. New York - 2008

What is organizational justice? A historical overview / Jason A. Colquitt, Jerald Greenberg, and Cindy P. Zapata-Phelan. Are procedural justice and distributive justice conceptually distinct? / Maureen L. Ambrose and Anke Arnaud. Are procedural justice and interactional justice conceptually distinct? / Robert J. Bies. How should organizational justice be measured? / Jason A. Colquitt and John C. Shaw. What is the role of control in organizational justice? / Debra L. Shapiro and Jeanne M. Brett. Are the goals of organizational justice self-interested? / Jennifer Z. Gillespie and Jerald Greenberg. What is the relationship between justice and morality? / Robert Folger, Russell Cropazano, and Barry Goldman. What is the role of trust in organizational justice? / Roy J. Lewicki, Carolyn Wiethoff, and Edward C. Tomlinson. What is responsible for the fair process effect? / Kees Van den Bos. How does organizational justice affect performance, withdrawal, and counterproductive behavior? / Donald E. Conlon, Christopher J. Meyer, and Jaclyn M. Nowakowski. How can theories of organizational justice explain the effects of fairness? / Steven L. Blader and Tom R. Tyler. How does organizational justice affect organizational citizenship behavior? / Robert H. Moorman and Zinta S. Byrne. How can justice be used to manage stress in organizations? / RieÌ⁸l Vermunt and Herman Steensma. How can justice be used to improve employee selection practices? / Stephen W. Gilliland and Jeff M.S. Hale. How do organizational justice concepts relate to discrimination and prejudice? / Eugene F. Stone-Romero and Dianna L. Stone. How can explanations be used to foster organizational justice? / D. Ramona Bobocel and Agnes Zdaniuk. How can training be used to foster organizational justice? / Daniel P. Skarlicki and Gary P. Latham. How, when, and why does outcome favorability interact with procedural fairness? / Joel Brockner and Batia Wiesenfeld. How generalizable are justice effects across cultures? / Kwok Leung. Organizational justice : where do we stand? / Jason A. Colquitt, Jerald Greenberg, and Brent A. Scott.

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