Real-life BPMN : using BPMN and DMN to analyze, improve, and automate processes in your company / Jacob Freund, Bernd Rücker


Freund, Jakob. Auteur | Rücker, Bernd (19..-....). Auteur

Edité par Camunda - 2019

"This is the improved 4th edition of the very successful book "Real-Life BPMN" with excellent reviews on (don't forget to check reviews of the former editions). In this book you will learn how to: - Model processes with Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). - Successfully apply BPMN to real-world problems. - Use a practical approach to workflow automation with BPMN 2.0. - Align business, development and operations. - Understand how microservices impact business processes. - Implement BPMN across your organization. The definitive guide for process designers: provides an overview of business process notation, presents implementation guidance and best practices, and offers useful tips on what works and what doesn’t. Truth be told, there are several BPMN books on the market. Some of them are quite good, so why should you care about this one? This book distills the experience the authors have accumulated while running Camunda, a company that delivers the leading open source workflow and decision automation platform. Camunda helped to define the BPMN specification, and during the past 15 years, they have applied BPMN to thousands of customer use cases. These were big businesses, small companies, and public institutions. Now you can benefit from this practical experience. This bookalso gives an introduction to DMN for decision management, which you might know as business rules management (BRM)." (source :

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