Dialogue about Catholic sexual teaching / edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick


Edité par Paulist Press - 1993

Pastoral Constitution on the church in the modern world (1965) nn. 47-52 ; Humanae Vitae (1968) nn. 7-12. A theory of sexual ethics for concerned Christians / André Guindon. Sex, sacred or profane? / Joan Timmerman. Casti Connubii (1930) nn. 53-56 ; Humanae Vitae (1968) nn. 14-18 ; Familiaris Consortio (1981) nn. 28-32. Magisterial teaching from 1918 to the present / John Gallagher. Magisterial teaching on marriage 1880-1986 : historical constancy or radical development? / J.A. Selling. Permitted and disputed means of controlling conception / John T. Noonan, Jr.. The meaning of marriage and the principle of superabundant finality / Dietrich von Hildebrand. NFP : not contralife / Germain Grisez. Statement by Catholic theologians, Washington, July 30, 1968. Birth control and the ideals of marital sexuality / Rosemary Radford Ruether. The inseparability of the unitive-procreative functions of the marital act / Bernard Häring. Remarks to the Congress of Hematologists (September 12, 1958) / Pius XII ; Sterilization in Catholic hospitals (March 13, 1975) ; Statement on tubal ligation (July 3, 1980). Church teaching on sterilization / John P. Boyle. Sterilization / John P. Kenny. The Sisters of Mercy of the Union and sterilization / Richard A. McCormick. Tubal ligation : good medicine? Good morality? / John R. Connery. Address to the 4th International Convention of Catholic Physicians (September, 1949) ; Discourse on moral problems of married life (October 29, 1951) / Pius XII. Instruction on respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation (1987) / Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Artificial insemination / Gerald Kelly. Human fertility control / John Mahoney. What the churches are saying about IVF / Kevin T. Kelly. Letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church on the pastoral care of homosexual persons (1986) / Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Arguments from revelation and reason in favor of the official teaching of the church / John F. Harvey. Epilogue / John J. McNeill. An ethic for same-sex relations / Margaret A. Farley. Masturbation / Anthony Kosnik. Masturbation / Ronald Lawler, Joseph M. Boyle, Jr., William E. May. Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics (1975) / Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Practical moral principles / Gerald Kelly. Sexuality and sin : a current appraisal / Charles E. Curran. Heterosexual expression, marriage and morality / Philip S. Keane. Marriage under threat / Jack Dominian. American Catholic sexual ethics, 1789-1989 / Leslie Griffin. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Anthony Kosnik et al., Human sexuality, July 13, 1979 ; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on John McNeill, The church and the homosexual, Summer, 1978 ; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on André Guindon, The sexual creators, January 30, 1992. The liberating truth of Catholic teaching on sexual morality / William E. May. Current teaching on sexual ethics / Lisa Sowle Cahill. Official Catholic social and sexual teachings : a methodological comparison / Charles E. Curran. Commentary on the Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics / Richard A. McCormick. Human experience and women's experience : resources for Catholic ethics / Susan L. Secker.

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