Entrepreneurial finance : concepts and cases / Miranda S. Lam and Gina Vega


Lam, Miranda S.. Auteur

Edité par Routledge - 2021 - Second Edition.

La quatrième de couverture indique : "An accessible guide to an increasingly complex subject, Entrepreneurial Finance: Concepts and Cases demonstrates how to address often-overlooked financial issues from the entrepreneur's standpoint, including challenges faced by start-ups and small businesses. This new edition retains the original's structure, around seven modules or building blocks designed to be taught across a full semester with natural break points built into each chapter within the modules. The building blocks present macro-concepts which are explored in greater detail in each of the chapters. Each concept is illustrated by a short case and followed by thoughtful questions to enhance learning. The cases are new or fully updated for the second edition, and deal with real companies, real problems, and currently unfolding issues. A new chapter on business models includes coverage of social ventures, and the chapters on forms of business ownership and financing have been expanded. Upper-level undergraduate students of entrepreneurship will appreciate the book's practical approach and engaging tone, along with the hands-on cases and exercises that help students to break down complex concepts. Online resources for instructors include a case teaching manual, lecture slides, test bank, and interactive exercises"

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