Modernity Britain, 1957-62 / David Kynaston


Kynaston, David (1951-....) - historien. Auteur

Edité par Bloomsbury - 2014 - First U.S. edition.

"The late 1950s and early 1960s was a period in its own right--neither the stultifying early to midfifties nor the liberating mid- to late-sixties--and an action-packed, dramatic time in which the contours of modern Britain started to take shape. These were the 'never had it so good' years, in which mass affluence began to change, fundamentally, the tastes and even the character of the working class; when films like Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and TV soaps like Coronation Street and Z Cars at last brought that class to the center of the national frame; when Britain gave up its empire; when economic decline relative to France and Germany became the staple of political discourse; when 'youth' emerged as a fully fledged cultural force; when the Notting Hill riots made race and immigration an inescapable reality; when a new breed of meritocrats came through; and when the Lady Chatterley trial, followed by the Profumo scandal, at last signaled the end of Victorian morality."--Publisher's website

[Bk.5]. Opening the box. Pt.1. Isn' 'e smashin'? ; A lot of mums ; Never had it so good. Pt.2. Catch a falling Sputnik ; Not a matter of popularity ; A worried song ; Stone me ; Get the nigger ; Parity of esteem. Pt.3. Unnatural practices ; Morbid sentimentality ; A merry song of spring ; We're all reaching up ; Beastly things, elections. A shake of the dice. 1. Sure as progress itself ; A real love match ; To the rear of the column ; Some fearful risks ; An act of holy communion. 2. Why are we falling behind? ; Working, middle and kidding themselves ; This is my work now. 3. Don't hang Riley ; We'll all be uprooted ; Make him Sir Yuri! ; The immigrants are human ; That first small cheer. [Bk.6]. A shake of the dice. Pt.1. Sure as progress itself ; A real love match ; To the rear of the column ; Some fearful risks ; An act of holy communion. Pt.2. Why are we falling behind? ; Working, middle and kidding themselves ; This is my work now. Pt.3. Don't hang Riley ; We'll all be uprooted ; Make him Sir Yuri! ; The immigrants are human ; That first small cheer.

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