India, China and globalization : the emerging superpowers and the future of economic development / by Piya Mahtaney


Mahtaney, Piya. Auteur

Edité par Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke, New York - 2007

The new age paradox. India’s story: as it rolls on. India : her tryst with globalisation. Economic reform: moving beyond liberalisation. India: unleashing opportunity creation. A multi-sectoral pattern of economic growth: important issues. India’s economic ascent: insights and issues. China: the emerging superpower. China: its ascent as an economic powerhouse. State owned enterprise restructuring: issues and challenges. Economic reform in China: the ensuing phase. human capital formation: trends, implications and future prospects in China. China’s foreign direct investment story: an evaluation. China’s economic experience: insights, lessons and a perspective. When elephants walk and dragons dance: a comparison between the Indian and Chinese economy. Globalisation: vision and reality. Revisiting the East Asian miracle. The stilletoisation of economic progress. The production function of development. The development paradigm.

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