Building social business : the new kind of capitalism that serves humanity's most pressing needs / Muhammad Yunus


Yunus, Muhammad (1940-....). Auteur

Edité par Public Affairs - 2010

Muhammad Yunus, the practical visionary who pioneered microcredit and won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, has developed a new dimension for capitalism which he calls "social business." By harnessing the energy of profit-making to the objective of fulfilling human needs, social business creates self-supporting, viable commercial enterprises that generate economic growth even as they produce goods and services that make the world a better place. Here, Yunus shows how social business has gone from being a theory to an inspiring practice, adopted by leading corporations, entrepreneurs, and social activists across Asia, South America, Europe and the US. He demonstrates how social business transforms lives; offers practical guidance for those who want to create social businesses of their own; explains how public and corporate policies must adapt to make room for the social business model; and shows why social business holds the potential to redeem the failed promise of free-market enterprise.--From publisher description

Introduction: social business-from dream to reality. Why social business?. Growing pains : lessons in adaptation and change from the story of Grameen Danone. Launching a social business. To cure one child : a case of social business in healthcare. Legal and financial frameworks for social business. Grameen Veolia Water : a social R&D project for addressing the world water crisis. Creating a global business infrastructure for social business. Glimpses of tomorrow : more social businesses are on the way. The end of poverty : the time is here.

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