Patient participation in palliative care : a voice for the voiceless / edited by Barbara Monroe,... and David Oliviere,...


Edité par Oxford University Press - 2003

pt. 1. The role of the patient in palliative care. A voice for the voiceless / Dame Cicely Saunders. The changing National Health Service, user involvement and palliative care / Neil Small. Developments in user organizations / Jane Bradburn. Quality issues in palliative and supportive care / Sam H. Ahmedzai and John Hunt. Education in palliative care / Emma Davie and Bill Noble. Cultural difference and palliative care / Juan M. Núñez Olarte. Bereavement care / Marilyn Relf. pt. 2. Multi-professional perspectives. Multi-professional teamwork / Pam Firth. Palliative medicine / James Gilbert. Palliative nursing / Mandy Stratford. Palliative care social work / Lindsey Napier. Palliative care and chaplaincy / Peter W. Speck. Palliative care and psychology / Christine Kalus. Conclusions / Alwyn Lishman. Conclusion : thoughts of a palliative care user / Fiona Broughton.

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