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Du même auteur

Good to great : why some companies make the leap... and others don't / Jim ...

Livre | Collins, James Charles (1958-....). Auteur | 2001

How the mighty fall : and why some companies never give in / Jim Collins

Livre | Collins, James Charles (1958-....). Auteur | 2009

Decline can be avoided. Decline can be detected. Decline can de reversed. Amidst the desolate landscape of fallen great companies, Jim Collins began to wonder : How do the mighty fall ? Can decline be detected early and avoided ? ...

De la performance à l'excellence : devenir une entreprise leader / Jim Coll...

Livre | Collins, James Charles (1958-....). Auteur | 2006

Du même sujet

Réinventez votre business avant qu'il ne soit trop tard : les stratégies ga...

Livre | Yu, Howard. Auteur | 2019

Le 4e de couverture indique : "Le marché est plus volatil, incertain et complexe que jamais. Même les brevets, l'innovation, la position de leader et les ressources financières ne peuvent plus vous protéger. Chaque entreprise ...

Leap : how to thrive in a world where everything can be copied / Howard Yu

Livre | Yu, Howard. Auteur | 2018

Introduction: How competition works. Part I: What happened. The piano war: when strength becomes a weakness ; The first advantage of a pioneer: when competition works like a mudslide ; The second advantage of a pioneer: how knowle...

Leading change / John P. Kotter

Livre | Kotter, John P. (1947-....). Auteur | 2012

From the ill-fated dot-com bubble to unprecedented M&A activity to scandal, greed, and, ultimately, recession -- we've learned that widespread and difficult change is no longer the exception. It's the rule. The author's eight-step...

Stratégies du changement / Julia Balogun,...Veronica Hope Hailey,...

Livre | Balogun, Julia. Auteur | 2006

Exploring strategic change / Julia Balogun, Veronica Hope Hailey

Livre | Balogun, Julia. Auteur | 2004 - 2nd edition

Organizational evolution and strategic management / Rudolphe Durand

Livre | Durand, Rodolphe (19..-....). Auteur | 2006

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