Transhumanism : the history of a dangerous idea / by David Livingstone


Livingstone, David. Auteur

Edité par Sabilillah Publications. Etats-Uins] - 2015

Transhumanism is a recent movement that extols man's right to shape his own evolution, by maximizing the use of scientific technologies, to enhance human physical and intellectual potential. While the name is new, the idea has long been a popular theme of science fiction, featured in such films as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, the Terminator series, and more recently, The Matrix, Limitless, Her and Transcendence. From back cover

Magic & mysteries. Alchemy. The Rosicrucians. The age of unreason. Survial of the fittest. Occult revival. Shamanism. The round table. Bloomsbury. The Modernists. The blond beast. Neoliberalism. Brave new world. Cybernetics. Central intelligence. Mind control. The Beat Generation. The Church of Satan. The computer. Hail discordia!. Postmodernism. Chaos magick. The New Age. Entheogens. Cyberpunk. Technopaganism. Occulture. Transhumanism. The singularity.

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