Physician-assisted dying : the case for palliative care and patient choice / edited by Timothy E. Quill and Margaret P. Battin


Edité par Johns Hopkins University Press - 2004

The quality of mercy / Marcia Angell. Nonabandonment: a central obligation for physicians / Timothy E. Quill and Christine K. Cassel. The role of autonomy in choosing physician aid-in-dying / Thomas Preston, Martin Gunderson, and David J. Mayo. Disability and physician-assisted dying / Andrew I. Batavia. When suffering patients seek death / Eric J. Cassell. Why do people seek physician-assisted death? / Robert A. Pearlman and Helene Starks. Doctor/patient communication about physician-assisted suicide / Anthony L. Back. When hastened death is neither killing nor letting-die / Tom L. Beauchamp. Physician-assisted suicide as a last-resort options at the end of life / Dan W. Brock. Death: a friend to be welcomed, not an enemy to be defeated / John Shelby Spong. The Oregon experience / Linda Ganzini. The distortion of cases in oregon / Peter Goodwin. A model that integrates assisted dying with excellent end-of-life care / Barbara Coombs-Lee. Thirty years' experience with euthanasia in the Netherlands: focusing on the patient as a person / Johannes J.M. van Delden, Jaap J.F. Visser, and Els Borst-Eilers. The death of my father / Herman H. van der Kloot Meijburg. Assisted death in the Netherlands: physicians at the bedside when help is requested / Gerrit K. Kimsma and Evert van Leeuwen. Political strategy and legal change. / Eli D. Stutsman. Legal advocacy to improve care and expand options at the end of life / Kathryn L. Tucker. Physician-assisted suicide: shifting the focus from means to ends / Alan Meisel. Choice in dying: a political and constitutional context / Sylvia A. Law. Hastening death: the seven deadly sins of the status quo / Charles H. Baron. Conclusion: excellent palliative care as the standard, and physician-assisted dying as a last resort / Timothy E. Quill and Margaret P. Battin.

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