Abuse of companies / edited by Hanne S. Birkmose, Mette Neville, Karsten Engsig Sørensen


Birkmose, Hanne Søndergaard. Éditeur scientifique | Neville, Mette. Éditeur scientifique | Sørensen, Karsten Engsig. Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Kluwer Law International B.V. - 2019

Présentation de l'éditeur : "Abuse of Companies' focuses on whether the corporate form is used as such to avoid liabilities or cover illegal acts, or whether abuse is practised to obtain certain advantages. The subject of this first-ever, in-depth survey and analysis garners more attention every day - both in legal literature and in popular media. Taken together, the authoritative contributions in this book clearly and comprehensively reveal typical situations where abuse may take place and how company law and other areas of law have tackled these incidents and practices in a variety of key jurisdictions. It gives an understanding of the background, implications and limitations of the different measures adopted to avoid abuse of companies."

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